Friday, March 18, 2011

Safe Practices Ladder

Follow Rules For Ladder Safety
Ladders are in common use everywhere, whether they are on building sites or used in domestic situations. Although most of them are manufactured in metal there are still some old wooden ladders in private use. Some of these have been handed down from previous generations and if maintained correctly can be safe to use. Extension ladders are handy for reaching higher areas than a normal ladder can and step ladders and larger folding ladders all have their uses in the home or on work sites. No matter how safe the actual ladder is, accidents can happen if the user does not use discretion and take personal safety precautions.

Ladder safety can be achieved by following common sense suggestions and also by using ladder safety accessories which are available online. Firstly, make sure the ladder is in good condition and has feet that won’t slip on smooth surfaces. Then follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use which are usually clearly visible on the ladder. Not climbing any further than the second top step makes sense and will can prevent overbalancing and falling because there are no handholds available. This is a simple rule that makes a lot of sense. Ensure you have at least a metre of the ladder above the work surface if you are using an extension ladder. Make sure all ladders that have locking devices are securely in place before working on the ladder.

Before using a ladder outdoors check the ground where it is to be used. If rain has made the ground soft be sure to put something solid under the feet to prevent it sinking and becoming unbalanced. Ensure the area you are working in will not have contact with power lines. Thongs are foolish footwear for working on ladders. Wear sensible non slip shoes. By following simple commonsense guidelines you will avoid accidents. After all, who wants to be forced to endure lengthy hospital stays. Your family needs you at home.

Safety guidelines are beneficial if followed each time the ladder is used. Accessories can turn a ladder into safety ladders which adds to the safety gained by being sensible. One excellent accessory on the market is the Lock Jaw Ladder Grip. This is an easy to use item that takes very little time to attach and detach. When attached it grips both ladder and gutter locking them together and preventing any movement of the ladder. It is available for a small outlay so if you want to be safe on ladders, make sure you look into it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Safety Ladders Importance

Roof Cleaning Jobs Require Safety Ladders
Do you feel unsafe when up high on ladders ? Is it because you haven’t taken the time to properly secure it ? Is your attitude “she’ll be right” ? If your answer is yes to all of these questions you need to do a total rethink. How much value do you place on your life, and do you really want to cause anxiety or grief for you family ? Laxity in safety measures has resulted in many accidents and even death. Before doing the next job that requires a ladder, visit the hardware to see what is available to make the ladder secure.
Ladders are commonly used in homes for the purpose of wall painting, gutter and roof cleaning, and repair jobs.

Not taking due care while using them has resulted in many accidents. If not balanced correctly and positioned so they are properly supported they can be a real hazard. There is also the problem of the ladder suddenly slipping sideways again causing injury. The rules that apply to construction companies may not apply to home owners, but perhaps they should. They would be wise to use ladder safety accessories for their own protection, as they are readily available. Workplace Health and Safety regulations disallow the use of ladders by any worker unless it is secured at the base or the top of the ladder to prevent it moving. Companies and homeowners can both obtain a product that ensures they are working on safety ladders.

Lock Jaw Ladder Grip is a low cost accessory for ladders that ensures the user's safety. This is an amazingly simple and easy to use way of securing ladders. It is also an Australian product and meets safety standard regulations for the workplace, so you know it will be a great item to have at home. It takes very little time to secure or undo the device and it can be used for all sorts of gutters. It acts like a clamp gripping the ladder and securing it to the gutter, preventing it moving sideways or falling backwards. This accessory should be in the toolbox of anyone who is using ladders and wants to be safe. Climbing an unsecured ladder is asking for trouble and definitely not a wise thing to do.